Dual Resolution Syringes

Dual Resolution Syringe in compact benchtop system 

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The unique DRS Dual Resolution Syringe replaces a regular syringe in a syringe drive to give enormously increased volume range, high precision down to nanoliters and the ability to deliver even the tiniest volumes completely contact-free, thus contamination-free. A DRS 18/340 (or DRS 20/300) model is shown here in a Hamilton PSD/4 type drive, for which a fuller benchtop system is available. The Cavro XP3000 syringe drive equivalent is the DRS 15/300 and its benchtop system.  Vivid intuitive PC-driven software for instant graphic one-click access to 6 Favorite applications programs (which you can customize), and unprecedented control and information over speed and flow rates to make your aspirations and deliveries work just like you want. For example, you can select the TEVIATM (Tip Escape Velocity) you want to give controlled or touchless BlastoffTM delivery. 

Dual Resolution Syringe Automated in TITAN

TITAN navigates the Dual Resolution Syringe model 18/240 throughout the deck, able to cherry-pick 100 nanoliters unerringly from a 1536 well plate and deliver them – contact-free if desired. Customized stations like the Teflon Plate at the front left hold larger vials or tubes for reagents and master-mix preparations. The guidance systems and GUI fully deploy the extraordinary volume range, precision, and accuracy of the Dual Resolution Syringe. Vivid intuitive PC-driven software for instant graphic one-click access to 6 Favorite applications programs and a powerful database. The Dual Resolution Syringe is seen to the left mounted in a Cavro XP3000 syringe drive, which it fits like a regular syringe.

TITAN with Dual Resolution Syringe Doing 500 Nanoliter PCR Mix-In-Tip and Contact-Free Delivery to 1536 Well Plate

The Dual Resolution Syringe is the core liquid-metering technology that TITAN uses here. This 20 second narrated movie shows only the final aspiration and stunning mixing and delivery. The Dual Resolution Syringe is used in a Cavro XP3000 pump module. Run with CP838-2ALS, one of the hundreds of programs that come with TITAN.

TITAN with Dual Resolution Syringe for 500 Nanoliter PCR Mix-In-Tip and Contact-Free Delivery to 384 Plate

The Dual Resolution Syringe is the core liquid-metering technology that TITAN uses here. 40 minute narrated movie shows aspirating 0.5 uL sample and two 5 uL primers extremely precisely and accurately in the Differential mode. Then drawing just the two reagents up until they coalesce, then lowering them to engulf the tiny sample and mixing everything thoroughly in the vigorous high-flow single mode right in the tip. Then delivering the mixture cleanly, contact-free, to a 384 well plate.

This a stunningly elegant operation that shows the ability to aspirate minute samples with extreme precision, move liquids smoothly and precisely right inside a tip, mix vigorously and deliver cleanly. The Dual Resolution Syringe is used in a Cavro XP3000 pump module. The program CP831-ALS is one of the hundreds that come with TITAN for use with the Dual Resolution Syringe.

2.75 Minute IMPACT MOVIE on Dual Resolution Syringe

This charming movie captures the essence of our syringe embodiment of our Differential Displacement/Dual Resolution principles.

10 Minute BASIC STORY MOVIE on DRD Principles, DRS, and NEPTUNE96

This 10 minute BASIC STORY movie mainly tells the Dual Resolution Syringe story – more broadly and in more detail than in the 2.75 minute IMPACT MOVIE. But it also has a good 1 minute NEPTUNE96 overview and other nice things. Some highlights are:

0:34 – 1:36 “And here is what it (Titan with DRS) can do”
2:27 – 4:48 H20 glass explanation of displacement
7:01 – 8:10 NEPTUNE96
8:55 – 10:00 Famous jungle swim